Monday, May 4, 2020


Convert Your Body to a Cybertronicdyne

by Humanoido

Cybertronicdyne, my company, is gearing up to make android components one at a time in the overall goal of completely replacing the human body.

If everything works out, you would place an order for the components you want on the Android frame, choose gender, the model advancement level, and upload your consciousness into the machine for immortality, and no more biological aging, aches and pains. No disease, no bio doctors, no surgery, no pills, and with the ability to upgrade continuously and maintain components with ease.

The machine has a torso, hands, fingers, arms, legs, toes, feet,head, neck, etc. Work is progressing on vision design and hearing. No heart is needed as the machine is regulated by the upload to the machine brain. Intermediate and tertiary stages will become available along with TESLA power sources and a NeuralNet.

The human brain is uploaded into the machine vestibule and the android body is regulated by moving components as with a regular bio body. You think of the action and it happens.

Cybertronicsdyne is working specifically on body replacements for neuropathy patients where the nerves have failed and feeling is disappearing.