History of Forums & Web Sites
Some links to outside sources no longer work. In the case of the Parallax Forums, these were changed several times. The data is likely still there, only the links have changed - contact Ken Gracey at Parallax to get the information to convert the old links to new links.

Robot Magazine
Robot magazine went out of business and took their servers offline thus deleting all the info there for access. This resulted in the deletion of vital article information for my Penguin Robot Superhero article including photos, code, charts, etc. Through great effort, this information was found in archives, reconstructed and reposted on Humanoido's website along with new additional bonus information.

p-robot Website
Penguin Robot Society was founded by Humanoido. The Website was set up as a partnership between Humanoido and Vrossi. I provided information on Penguin Robot, photos, a full set of Penguin magazines, literally thousands of Penguin programs, and other related projects like the BASIC Stamp Supercomputer. You can imagine the shock and horror when I found this site completely deleted! I have since reconstructed the full repository of this information.

Penguin Robot Wiki
Vrossi created a one page Penguin Wiki at Wikipedia. After Parallax announced discontinuing the manufacturing of the Penguin Robot, the Wiki disappeared, presumably also deleted by Vrossi. I have the archived wiki files and plan to reconstruct the page and information on this web site.

Penguin Robot Yahoo Group
Yahoo made changes to Yahoo Groups and access the site was no longer available.

Other Robots
Parallax Penguin Robot (NEW)
Humanoido has assembled one of the most massive and complete repositories of our beloved Penguin robot - with information, data, photos, programs, resources, lost details now recovered, and the full gamut of constructed and dedicated Penguin Robot versions. We even have the prized and coveted full set of Penguin Tech Magazine! Refer to the Penguin Robot Home Page, which also represents restoration of the PENGUIN ROBOT SOCIETY. It will take some time to post and publish the wealth of this information so stay tuned to the above link. In the mean time, if you have something urgent and Penguin Robot related, feel free to contact me (Humanodo) via email.

First Talking Humanoid
TH1 Humanoid
Son of Zylatron (Little SOZ)
Mobile Brain Robot
Planet Saturn Moon Titan Lander Explorer Robot

Humanoid Toddler V1
Humanoid Toddler V2
Humanoid Toddler Kit
TH1 Toddler Humanoid
Humanoid Toddler Leg Machine
Humanoid Toddler Talker
Humanoid Toddler HT Version
Humanoid Can Man V1 - 1 Stamp processor motion mobility, sensors
Humanoid Can Man V2 - 2 Stamp processors added speech
Humanoid Can Man V3 - 3 Stamp processors more servo control
Humanoid Can Man V5 - 5 Stamp processors runs other boards
Tertiary Adjunct 1 of 12 robot with Parallax robot board
Tertiary Adjunct 2 of 12

Tertiary Adjunct 3 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 4 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 5 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 6 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 7 of 12 with PING)))
Tertiary Adjunct 8 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 9 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 10 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 11 of 12
Tertiary Adjunct 12 of 12