Thursday, June 3, 2021

Parallax Penguin Robot WIKI

Parallax Penguin Robot on Wikipedia
Penguin Robot Wiki

Vittorio Rossi in Italy (Vrossi) created the first Parallax Penguin Robot Wiki in English at Wikipedia. After Parallax announced discontinuing the manufacturing of the Penguin Robot, the Wiki disappeared, presumably deleted by Vrossi. Vrossi also deleted the PRS Penguin Robot Society website, when he closed all his business activities and websites. However, he was keen on maintaining an offline archive over the years. I have located the original archived wiki sandbox files from the year 2008 (last edit October 2008) and posted the information on this page. Presumably when time permits, a new Parallax Penguin Robot wiki will be created to preserve our history. We regret the wiki deletion and the PRS Penguin Robot Society website deletion, because the Parallax Penguin Robot is a very important part of robotics history. Humanoido has taken up the baton to preserve Penguin's web presence.