This is a surviving front page of the world's first Penguin Robot website (named Penguin Bible) created by Humanoido. In March 2007, Humanoido began working on the first website for the Parallax Penguin Robot using FireFox and It presented Penguin's first goldmine of information, including historical documents about Penguin, hardware port details for programmers, Humanoido's Penguin language addition, tips and techniques for assembling the Penguin kit of parts, and part one interview with the Penguin master and genius Ken Gracey of Parallax.
ABOVE & BELOW: Humanoido created the world's 1st private owned Penguin Robot Web site and continued to improve it with new and original Penguin Robot information dating back to 2005. In May 2007, the world's first private Parallax Penguin Robot website, invented by Humanoido, was refined with a gold mine of added content.
Humanoido, working with one of the first released nickel Penguin robots made available by the generosity of Ken Gracey at Parallax, enabled the creation of the world's first official Penguin Robot private website.
The refinement had many feather in the cap features, including a coveted interview with the Penguin Robot designer and genius Ken Gracey of Parallax. It introduced many experts and hosted the founding of the Penguin Robot Society on May 24th, 2007. It introduced the Penguin Robot programming work of Humanoido, including his invention of Penguinese Language giving the robot a written and spoken language, and plans for constructing a DIY Penguin robot version.
As the web site presented many articles which required formatting and presentation, it was soon decided to supplement the website with a new publication named Penguin Tech, authored by Humanoido. This magazine was packed with Penguin Robot information and was free for the the downloads. It included the author's PBASIC software for special Penguin personifications and projects. While pages from the website did not survive, the PenguinTach magazine did survive and all published issues are currently available from author Humanoido.